Sunday, January 5, 2020

Vowel and British Poetry Assignment - 784 Words

MEG-01: BRITISH POETRY ASSIGNMENT Max. Marks: 100 Programme: MC;G Assignment Code: MEGO 1 llMA120 10- 1 1 Dear Student. In a conventional class your teacher would have discussed your assignment with you, pointed out what made a good essay and what a bad one. We have done exactly the same thing in Unit 52 of the Thereafter decide upon a topic, i.e. a period or literary group in the history of British Poetry. You may, if you wish, select a topic from the list given in 52.2.1 (p.70). Alternatively, you could write on a British poet of your choice. You may write on a poet discussed in the units, i.e. on the syllabus, or even a poet we have not discussed in detail such as Robert Burns, G M. Hopkins, R.S. Thomas, Ted Hughes or†¦show more content†¦(20) 3 Given an account of derivational affixes in English. Illustrate with suitable examples. (20) 4 Why is language planning essential in any country? What are the factors which influence language planning? (20) 5 What are the tests that are used to identify a syntactic constituent? Discuss, giving examples. (20) 6 What are cardinal vowels? Describe and classify the English vowels. (20) 7 What do you understand by bilingualism? Differentiate between compound, coordinate and subordinate bilinguals giving adequate examples. (20) 8 What is the role of learner factors in second language acquisition? Discuss these factors with special reference to motivation and attitude.Show MoreRelatedMeg 1,2,3,4 Ignou1582 Words   |  7 PagesDEGREE IN ENGLISH (MEG) ASSIGNMENT 2012-2013 (ForJuly,2012JanuilYY,2}I3sessions) (Compulsory Courses of M. A. Engtish - lt year) British Poetry-0l British Drama0z British Novel-O3 Aspects of language-O4 1y61llEgmsu witr.fiRftF; School of Humanities Indira Gandhi National Open University MaidanGarhi, New Delhi- 1 1 0068 33 Masteros Degree in English Assignments for lt year Compulsory Courses Course Code:MEG Dear Student, This booklet contains all the assignments of the Compulsory CoursesRead MoreProblems Caused by Dyslexia Essay2567 Words   |  11 Pageswho still dont know about their learning difficulty or developmental disorder. They estimate that 1 in 10 children have Dyslexic tendencies which is about 2-3 children per average class. Dyslexia as a term was coined just over 100 years ago in the British Medical Journal (Pringle-Morgan, 1896). Even if there were early clinical reports about dyslexia, it still remained in the dark until 1960s, when research turned toward identifying systemic differences between `dyslexic and normal readers. 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